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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Download Worms 2: Armageddon

Genre: Strategy (Turn-based)
Developer: Team17 Software
Publisher: Team17 Software
File size: 1.46 GB
Platform: PC

Worms 2: Armageddon - two-dimensional computer game, turn-based strategy developed by Team17 in 2010 and is part of a series of games Worms. The essence of the game is reduced to a war between worms on two-dimensional landscape, players take turns. The game is a continuation of the game Worms Armageddon with a lot of improvements and additions. The game added a weapon that was removed in previous games, as well as 35 new missions. Extras. Info: Available only multiplayer.

  1. Install Cracked Steam 2009.
  2. We register an account.
  3. Put the game:
  4. Closing steamup.
  5. All contents of the folder "Worms Reloaded" is copied into the folder C: \ Program Files \ Cracked Steam \ steamapps \ common \ peggle extreme
  6. Remove the file PeggleExtreme.exe.
  7. Rename the file in WormsReloaded.exe PeggleExtreme.exe.
  8. Starting steamup and run game PeggleExtreme.
Download: here


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